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Happy Butterfly
Dozens of butterflies can be found in South Florida. Here are some of the common ones you may see.
Gulf Fritillary
Cassius Blue
Zebra Longwing
Orange Barred Sulphur
Giant Swallowtail
White Peacock
Ruddy Daggerwing
Polydamas Swallowtail
Sleepy Orange
Cloudless Sulphur
You can create a butterfly habitat in south Florida with these plants. Check out my free online course to understand the concepts.
Milkweed for Monarch and Queen
Passion Vine for Gulf Fritillary, Julia, Zebra Longwing
Plumbago for Cassius Blue
Cassia for Orange Barred Sulphur, Cloudless Sulphur and Sleepy Orange
Wild Lime for Giant Swallowtail
Water Hyssop for White Peacock
Coontie for Atala
Strangler Fig for Ruddy Daggerwing
Dutchman's Pipe for Polydamas Swallowtail
Conserve & Transform
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